Monday, June 22, 2020

Salmon Roll

A perfectly grilled buttered hot dog bun is critical to a memorable lobster roll…and The Warren Store is doing them right every Friday. So right in fact, I was inspired to get myself some buns and make one at home using last night’s leftover salmon.

To start, you need to buy the ball park style buns with the cut white sides. The brown sided buns aren’t going to do.

For the salmon salad, brake up the cooked fillet into small chunks then toss it together in a bowl with some minced celery, scallion, chopped parsley, fresh lemon juice, a little bit of olive oil, and salt and pepper. You could also substitute mayo for the olive oil.

Grill the buns by melting a quarter inch slice of butter for every roll you’re making in a large sauté pan over medium heat. Once they’re golden brown on both sides, immediately stuff with the salmon salad and serve.

Now that’s summer!

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