Friday, August 3, 2018

Coconut Rice

Being pretty much all white, it’s hard to make coconut rice look good in a photo on its own, so here it is under some fried swordfish. But whatever you put it under, it rocks! And the spicier the dish, the better it tastes  with the rice. I can’t believe I had never made it before, super easy too.

It works best to make at least a cup and a half of rice so you use a full can of coconut milk. Measure out the coconut milk, then add enough water for a total of 3 cups of liquid. Pour it into a small pot and bring to a boil. Add a cup and a half of white rice and stir. Once it starts to boil, cover, turn down the heat, then simmer for approximately twenty minutes. Once all the water is absorbed, stir in a generous handful of shredded coconut, turn off the heat, and let sit covered for another five minutes.

Any leftover rice will last a week in the fridge, and cooked up with some pineapple and veggies, makes a great summer fried rice.

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