Friday, July 17, 2015

Eggplant Tomato Basil Salad

With so much basil around this time of year it’s hard to go wrong, and this eggplant tomato salad is a great way to take advantage of the local bounty. To remove any bitterness salt your eggplant slices generously on both sides, let sit for half an hour, and wipe dry with a paper towel before tossing them in a large bowl with pepper, crushed garlic, and a little bit of olive oil until coated evenly.

Fifteen minutes on the barbeque will give you the most flavor but you could also bake the eggplant on cookie sheets in the oven at 400 for about seven minutes per side. Whichever way you choose let your tender and slightly browned eggplant cool before cutting it into smaller pieces and tossing with the tomatoes, chopped basil, extra virgin olive oil, and coarse salt to taste. Summer is here…eat it up!

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