Thursday, August 16, 2012

Cucumber Avocado Soup

The chilled soup season in Vermont is a short one, and this is it, I took advantage of it this week with some local cucumbers and mint.  In a Cuisinart, start with a generous handful of mint, half a clove of chopped garlic, a little chopped onion or white end of a scallion, and some kosher salt.  Pulse until finely chopped.  Skin and seed several cucumbers and an avocado then add to the mix.  With your Cuisinart running drizzle in about a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil like you would for a pesto so the oil emulsifies.  Add the juice of a lime, a couple shakes of Tabasco hot sauce, pulse, then salt and white pepper to taste.  It’s best to chill for at least a couple of hours before serving.  Last week using this same approach I wowed the family with a fruit soup using a couple of ripe cantaloupes along with some basil, lemon, and honey….no olive oil on this one.

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