Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Barley Risotto with Edamame and Artichokes

I’m not sure after this one I’ll ever use rice again for my risotto, I liked the consistency and mouth feel of the barley so much better.  I made it just as I would a rice risotto.  I started by sautéing a chopped shallot in a large pan with some extra virgin olive oil and, or, a quarter stick of butter.  Then after a few minutes, two chopped garlic cloves.  If you have an open bottle of white wine add a half a cup and cook until it is nearly absorbed, if not, use the juice from half a lemon.  Pour in some more oil and, or, another quarter stick of butter, melt, and pour in a cup of uncooked barley and stir around to coat.     

Time to add the liquid.  Along with the two and a half cups of water I like to add some vegetable or mushroom stock for flavor but it isn't critical.  Better Than Bullion is a great choice.  Turn up the heat, stir, and lower to a simmer once it reaches a boil.  It is best to stir occasionally for the thirty to forty five minutes it takes for the barley to reach the desired consistency.  This time around I added some edamame out of the pods from the frozen food section that I defrosted, a can of artichoke hearts I rinsed and chopped, some fresh chopped chives, lots of grated parmesan, and salt and pepper to taste.  However the combinations are endless, peas, scallions, sautéed mushrooms, asparagus, cooked bacon, and spinach to name a few.  I often browse epicurious.com for ideas, just search on risotto. 

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