Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Creamy Chicken Polenta

You know when you haven’t made something in a while and then when you do you say, “why don’t I make that more often?”  Polenta is one of those things, such a great comfort food.  In a large frying pan sauté an onion and some sliced mushrooms in a little bit of oil for a few minutes.  Slice your chicken breast into one to two inch chunks and brown them for a minute on each side in the pan with your vegetables.  Once browned add a jar of your favorite tomato sauce, I prefer Rao’s Marinara.  While your chicken mixture is simmering, in a small pot add a teaspoon of chicken stock to three cups of water, bring to a boil, add a cup of dry polenta, then turn down to simmer.  I find it definitely helps to stir the polenta often but it only takes a few minutes for it to reach oatmeal consistency.  At this point turn off the heat, add a one inch slab of butter, a generous amount of grated parmesan, and a little salt…stir then cover until you are ready to serve.  I know, “why don’t I make this more often?”

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